Bluefactory Restore - Values Mapping
This feature enables you to automatically modify source values according to the given mapping table before updating the Target.
The file should contain five columns:
ObjectName: The Object API name to map. example: Opportunity
FieldName: The field API name to map, example: Name
RecordId: The record Id that we want to target
OldValue: The source value
NewValue: The actual value that should be uploaded
Example of value mapping:
"ObjectName","FieldName","RecordId","OldValue","NewValue""*","OwnerId","*","*","1000""Account","Name","*","*","$Company restore v1""Account","Tech_ID__c","*","azerty","qwerty""Contact","Email","*","*","$Email""ObjectA__c","Field1__c","2000","*","abcd"
Apply the value "1000" to all fields with API name equals to "OwnerId".
Assign the field "Name" a random company Name for all migrated accounts
"Account","Name","*","*","$Company restore v1"
Assign the field "Tech_ID__c" the value "qwerty" instead of "azerty" for all migrated accounts
Assign the field "Email" a random email value for all migrated contacts
Assign the field "Field1__c" the value "abcd" only for the record with Id equals to "2000"
Anonymization variables
An anonymization variable generates a random value for each record. Supported variables:
$Country => "Uruguay"
$CountryCode => "FR"
$City => "Paris"
$Address => "071 Heaney Island Suite 553, Ebbaville Texas 37307"
$Product => "Ergonomic Granite Shoes"
$Company => "Aufderhar LLC"
$Email => ""
$Domain => ""
$Url => ""
$Firstname => "Carolina"
$Lastname => "Kohler"
$Number => "43202"
$Words => "omnis libero neque"
$UUID => returns the string form of uuid, xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
$Today => 2020-01-01T23:01:01+01:00 (Current date)
You can control the length of the generated random value for With $Number and $Words. Examples:
$Words_2: generates two words => "veritatis autem"
$Number_10 : generates a number with 10 digits => "9842685712"
You can use $Today to generate dates in the future or in the past:
$Today_12: current date plus 12 days
$Today_-10: current date minus 10 days